Nolan Victor Pillay is a singer / song- writer / musician in Johannesburg, South Africa. Growing up, performing hits from many of his favorite artists such as Michael Jackson, Bryan Adams and 'Nsync at various corporate and private events, and performing live in his father's band, Nolan always had the dream of one day recording his own music.

During the past few years, he felt a calling to create his first solo release in the contemporary Christian & Gospel genre. "God put this dream in my heart, and I feel that 'first fruit' should go to Him."

Nolan's debut album (EP), ‘Infinite Love’ features pop / rock / EDM sounds fused with christian-oriented lyrics that focus on the theme of God's endless and extravagant love.

"1Pet4:10 has influenced me greatly over the past few years, and so I want this album to reach people, I want it to inspire them, and draw them near to God."